Friday, April 23, 2010


It seems there is a lot of hate in the world today. Ok, so there has always been a lot of hate, but with ever increasing media availability, hate seems to spread quicker than ever.

I am no fan of president obama. I do not like his politics, i do not like his wife's beliefs, i do not like his political history and how he came to reside in the white house.

Notice i didn't say "I hate". Hate is too strong of a word. I don't hate the man or his wife. I just don't like them. It is an opinion.

Not long ago someone on the interweb created a "funny" mentioning the death of several celebrities that died too young, and that the poster "loved" them. At the end of the post is a note that he or she loves obama too.
This is an indirect desire to see the president die.

Outside of extremists who hate the man for either his race or his politics probably find this a desired event. Realistic people, regardless of politics, should understand that bottom line it just isn't funny and it says something about the type of person they are.

I am all for freedom of speech. In fact i have served my country and defended people's right to it.
What i would love to see is people exercise the right to being intelligent and thoughtful in that speech.

If you don't like the president's politics and policys and beliefs, it is better to educate yourself, form opinions and bring them out for the world to see in a mature and insightful method.

I personally would love to see the entire left get voted out of office in the midterms and the next presidential election, but what i don't want to see is idiocy from those who share my political beliefs.
It gives ME a bad name.

Be better than that folks.

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